Friday, 31 July 2020

fast and opinion

first we did fast and opinion.

For the first task we did was facts and opinions about Rahi and the Patupaiarehe.
Then we did a characteristic chart about Rahi and Patupaiarehe.
Lastly with the characteristic chart I did the Patupaiarehe and Rahi.     



A synonym is a word that means the same. we have been doing different words for synonym. Some are verb some are noun some are adjective and some a adverbs. Verb is a action word like running. A Noun is the name of something like tiger. A Adjective is a describing word like greedy. An Adverbs is a word or a phrase.


Multiplication is an easy way of counting a lot of the same number. Multiplication is like grouping numbers and skip counting.

These slides show the 3 and 6 timetables that we completed.

Thursday, 30 July 2020


Today we went to swimming  and the first lesson is how we get in the pool and we had to stay on the

First we listened and we listen how to do back strokes then I swim under the water.

Secondly we had to throw the toy in the water and we use are legs to swim or if we don't we will drown.

Then I listened that your legs is heavy and you have to swim .

 My favorite part was when we do stroke and I well in enjoy the next swimming  listen.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


Today I learned how to make tangrams.

 I rearranged the pieces to make animal shapes.

First I made a square piece of paper because tangrams  are made from a big square.

then I folded the square into various shapes and cut them out.

Lastly ,I tried to make different animal shapes from the  tangrams pieces.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020


yesterday we did  homonyms and I did tear it is like we are tear  come from eye and tear is to tear this apart and  we had to put a photos so it can match what we are talking about  and we and we finished it  3D shapes.


Multiplication is an easy way to count a lot the same number. These slide are the five times tables and the two times tables.